Friday, 30 March 2012

Screamies 2011 Results

Good afternoon, the long awaited results of the screamie awards are in. To be fair a pleasure to see them. As I mentioned in the previous entry, the introduction of additional catogories has opened up the opportunity for some excellent new venues and attractions to compete in such a rapidly growing industry that involves both the home haunting passion and corporate expenditure.

FunFear is very much involved with the business at The Tulleys Farm Shocktober fest and help to create the effects and illusion that realise the ingenuity of people like Stuart Beare, the combination of engineers from so many backgrounds create the magic that is Shocktober Fest.

The Screamies reinforce the recognition for the hours, planning, pain and effort that are required to create that magic....! That goes for all involved in this ever growing industry.

The new format of the Screamies have shown that these efforts can be recognised at all levels. Attractions like The Fear Horror House in Copthorne who clearly are working with much lesser budgets than many of the major players can be awarded for their passion and amazing belief in what they are creating.

This is progressive and appreciated by all of the crew at FunFear.

What will the future hold for 2012.....only time will tell..!!

The results list can be seen at the screamie awards page here


Thursday, 29 March 2012

The Screamies 2011

The wait is nearly over for the nominees of the screamie awards for 2011. With less than 24 hours to go this industry will come to recognise the hard work and effort that has gone into producing first class award winning attractions. However, with new catogories introduced this year, it has been a pleasure to see smaller attractions being recognised for the ingenuity, innovative ideas as well as flair and phenomenal passion.

So although the wait is nearly over, we at FunFear wish all nominees the very best of luck.

Ian and all the twisted technicians at FunFear.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Facebook Timeline

Time for a cover photo for facebook page...!!

The new compulsory timeline comes into force on the 30th March.

Zuckerberg explained the thinking behind Timeline by saying: “Millions of people curate stories of their lives on Facebook every day and have no way to share them once they fall off your profile page...we have been working on ‘timeline’ all year…it’s the story of your life and completely new way to express yourself."

So the million dollar question is.......who likes the new timeline style..??

Have questions about timeline.? take 5 minutes and check the Hyperarts Blog


Halloween Health Risks

British summer time has arrived...!! Halloween approaching and ideas are flying around thick and fast. Our ideas are carefully thought out and safety taken into consideration for both the build process and the final maze or attraction.

However not quite in the same manner as the following link, take a quick look at this article on what fox news have found to be some surprising health risks at halloween time...!!